Month: December 2014
Misty Mountains – Wikipedia
I did not know this, but now that I do, I am filled with joy: The International Astronomical Union names all mountains on Saturn’s moon Titan after mountains in Tolkien’s work. Misty Mountains – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia MS
Kessel Run in less than 12 Parsecs vs. Warp 9, engage!: Which Ship is Fastest?
Interesting, but it shows the flaws in Star Wars as science fiction. If the Millennium Falconcan cross two million light years in days, why is the Empire confined to one galaxy? Star Trek Enterprise vs. Star Wars Millennium Falcon: Which…
Jared Leto, Will Smith, and the Rest of the Suicide Squad Cast Confirmed
Will Smith is a box-office draw, to be certain, but I don’t know how much “legs” this will have. DC’s Suicide Squad was always a B-list title at best, and pretty obscure even at its height. Fan-boys will be the…